Agile Leader Check List

Checklist and Agile – can they even go together? Yes, you are absolutely correct – check lists are usually attributes of the classical PMP project management vocabulary. However, the majority of the industry leaders we work with spent the most of their professional lives in the world of PMP and six-sigma. When it comes to a transformation, we cannot expect them to go from 0 to 100 in a moment. We, agilists, have to be creative to meet them half way. And the language of check lists is something they are accustom to. So, let’s use them to wrap the coaching language. I recently had an opportunity to spend time with the leaders of the large financial institute. We were discussing all the good stuff like Agile Manifesto, Cynefin sense making model, culture of experimentation, psychological safety concept, and servant leadership – everything that an agile leader should have in her toolkit. They got completely on board with the idea. The problem they had was how to get from the current hierarchal command and control mentality to this new wonderful world of servant leaderships and empowerment that we call agility. They were asking for help. It was very tempting to step into

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