A2Z Agility offers Certified Scrum Master trainings with Certified Scrum Trainers (CST®) from Scrum Alliance

Coding Dojo

What is Dojo? The term means ‘place of the Way’ in Japanese. The concept has been traditionally applied in the field of martial arts and meditation, and with the constant changes to modern technology the concept has been increasingly adopted in the field of software development. Coding Dojos are a powerful vehicle to accelerate the […]

BayALN Online Agile Peer Coaching Group

This is a Agile support group for exploring different aspects of the Agile Coaching. Intended for Agile Coaches and and Scrum Masters, we'll dig deeper and broaden our shared understanding of how the Agile Manifesto may be applied. All levels of experience are welcome. Topics and activities vary from month to month, with intention to […]

Голос Скрам Альянса – Начнем с начала

Запуск новой группы – повестка дня: Представление команды организаторов Обсуждение задач группы и других орг. вопросов Обсуждение названия и голосование LeanCoffee – вопросы и ответы Представление первого выступления (предположительно 18 Февраля)

Powerful techniques and frameworks for companies with high resistance to change.

ilient company. Driving the agility and flexibility of an organization requires teams with people from different backgrounds, ways of thinking and experiences. This can be a challenge for all members. What do you do if a team with different mindsets is not comfortable working together? How do you deal with the different mentalities and establish […]

2 days Certified Scrum Master® virtual workshop for Job Hackers

Join us in Zoom to: Help transforming the world of work by guiding organizations to become prosperous and sustainable. Learn the difference between doing Agile and being Agile. Practice Scrum by applying its principles and values from the first minute of the training. Learn by doing; participate in multiple hands-on activities. Become a member of […]


Information radiators in a Distributed Agile environment

Agile encourages a self organizing and empowered method of working. This includes self servicing which is enabled by information radiators. During our days of colocation, it was easy to put up stickies or graphs on a wall and absorb information as we walked down the hallway. In the current days of distributed agile implementation, it […]

The Four Hats Of A Scrum Master

Details A scrum master is a leader, but without the traditional authority power that managers hold. To be successful in this role, you need a wide variety of skills. Some say, you wear many hats. In this session, you will learn about, and try on, four of these hats: coaching, mentoring, teaching and facilitating. We'll […]

The Job Hackers Agile Meetup

Title: Psychological Safety Makes Teams Effective Summary: What was your best team ever? How can you describe your dream team? In 2012, Google embarked on an initiative — code-named Project Aristotle — to study hundreds of company’s teams and figure out why some stumbled while others soared. After observing 180 teams across the company, and […]

Stop Looking for a Black Cat in a Dark Room (Making Sense w/ Cynefin Framework)

Silicon Valley Agile Leadership Network

How often do you see a large group of people, many with exceedingly high pay checks, spending hours and hours in meetings looking for the “perfect” solution for a complex business problem? How often did these plans survive the reality test? Stop looking for a black cat in a dark room with no cat in […]

Как научиться эффективно работать с трудными командами?

Каждый из нас сталкивался в своей профессиональной практике с трудными командами - в роли менеджера, коуча или члена команды. В любом из этих вариантов, перед нами стоит непростая задача: изменить ситуацию и добиться, чтобы команда стала успешной, а члены этой команды приобрели мотивацию и необходимые навыки. Казалось бы, все просто: поставить задачу, обучить, похвалить, научить […]

Coaching dysfunctional teams

ABSTRACT Have you ever come to an organization as an Agile Coach, Scrum Master, or Product Owner to find out that you are trapped in n a dysfunctional team? Many strong Agile coaches, Scrum Masters, and Agile leaders have experienced underperforming teams and even organizations. Lack of collaboration, unhealthy competition, and sometimes even open aggression […]
