A2Z Agility предлагает обучение на сертифицированного Scrum-мастера силами сертифицированных инструкторов по Scrum (CST®️) от Scrum Alliance®) from Scrum Alliance

Coaching dysfunctional teams

ABSTRACT Have you ever come to an organization as an Agile Coach, Scrum Master, or Product Owner to find out that you are trapped in n a dysfunctional team? Many strong Agile coaches, Scrum Masters, and Agile leaders have experienced underperforming teams and even organizations. Lack of collaboration, unhealthy competition, and sometimes even open aggression […]

Do not look for a black cat in a dark room with no cat (Cynefin sense making model)

How often do you see a large group of people, many with exceedingly high pay checks, spending hours and hours in meetings looking for a “perfect” solution for a complex business problem? How often did these plans survive the reality tests? It always was bugging me to see how teams, especially leadership teams, spend enormous […]

Certified Scrum Master® Class with Alexander Frumkin and Jeff McKenna

Join us in Zoom to: Help transforming the world of work by guiding organizations to become prosperous and sustainable. Learn the difference between doing Agile and being Agile. Practice Scrum by applying its principles and values from the first minute of the training. Learn by doing; participate in multiple hands-on activities. Become a member of […]

2 day CSM workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin

Scrum Masters - a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn't just applying theory or process - it's about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you're ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can […]

3 day CSM workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin

Scrum Masters - a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn't just applying theory or process - it's about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you're ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can […]

3 day CSM Workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin

Scrum Masters - a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn't just applying theory or process - it's about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you're ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can […]

2 Days CSM workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin

Scrum Masters – a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn’t just applying theory or process – it’s about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you’re ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can […]

2 days CSM workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin and Serg Dmitriev

Scrum Masters – a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn’t just applying theory or process – it’s about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you’re ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can […]

2 Days CSPO workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin

Product Owner is a navigator to a Scrum Team Effective Scrum isn’t just applying theory or process – it’s about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you’re ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you […]

Risk Management in the Agile world

Many teams and organizations wonder whether they need to do Risk Management for agile projects, and how. The misconception that an agile project does not require planning, leads naturally to the conclusion that an agile project does not require risk management. The fact is that every project needs some planning and has risks. That includes […]

Agile Coach’s Guide to Constructive Collaboration with Leadership

In the agile world, we tend to complain a great deal about leadership. Get a group of agile coaches together and you'll likely hear things like, "If only our leaders weren't so focused on output and metrics," or "If only leadership understood about self-empowered teams," or even "If only leadership would let us do things […]

2 day CSM workshop with Alexander (Sasha) Frumkin and Bernie Maloney

ScrumMasters - a heartbeat of effective Teams Effective Scrum isn't just applying theory or process - it's about creating space for a Team to collaborate and deliver value, effectively. Not just in person, but even when the interactions are virtual and online. If you're ready to learn Scrum in a fun and engaging way via pragmatic techniques you can apply […]
