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Risk Management in the Agile world

Июнь 13, 2024 @ 17:30 - 19:00 (по Калифорнийскому времени) UTC-8

Many teams and organizations wonder whether they need to do Risk Management for agile projects, and how. The misconception that an agile project does not require planning, leads naturally to the conclusion that an agile project does not require risk management. The fact is that every project needs some planning and has risks. That includes agile projects. In this presentation, we will review some guidelines and techniques for managing risk in Scrum projects. We will see how the Scrum framework is designed with risk “built-in”. We will also cover some techniques that help the team to proactively manage risk.


Июнь 13, 2024
17:30 - 19:00 (по Калифорнийскому времени) UTC-8
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